my story

I am Henrik Lerche.

55 years of age, danish national living in Spain since 2022. We live just outside Pilar de la Horadada south of Alicante on the Mediterranean coast.

I embarked on my transformation back in 2019, where I had my first encounter with holistic thinking and natural medicine.

Back then my weight was 105 kgs. Suffered from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis in my fingers, frequent pains in my knees, hips, back, wrists and ankles. Slept too much and was on the way to being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and put on a machine to breathe at night. I was a couch potato with limited energy doing as little as possible. I was enjoying my self and living life how it was intended, gaining weight year after year. At least so I thought. Back in my early 30´s I was hospitalized with sudden lack of coordination in my right arm and diagnosed with realistic chance of developing MS.

I took anti histamine tablets daily for more than 20 years for allergies and used asthma and nasal medicine often. Did very limited amount of exercise and lived on a standard Western Diet with meat, gravy and almost no fruits and vegetables. Not to forget the Take away food - 2-3 times per week. I loved to eat chocolate and crisps in front of the TV and I just grew larger and larger year after year in poorer and poorer health.

My first encounter with Natural Medicine was in 2019, when I experienced massive ankle pains for almost 2 weeks and could not walk or support weight on my right ankle. The pain was unlike anything I experienced before - excruciating and very frequent. Something inside me told me to seek alternative help, and not go to my local medical doctor who would most likely send me home with antibiotics and strong painkillers.

I came across an English Naturopath online and reached out, and we had an online session. He had a mindset and approach to health that I nerver knew existed. I never knew there was a real alternative to allopathic Western medicine. He immediately started me on my first orange juice detox feast for 5 days, and at the same time mentaly sent me on a path for a complete new way of living.

I started searching for information on a plant based lifestyle, dug and dug into the matter, and connected to people online whom I started listening to and learning from. It is not an easy path to engage on alone, since truths about real health and the enormous benefits are hidden from us on the internet, which baffled me? Why is this so - I mean society should have an interest in a healthy population? And how can search engines censor people online offering real health solutions? It really makes you wonder….!

I red books on the subjects, listened to thousand of hours of health teachings, teachings on spirituality and how all deeply connected. As the Hermetical principles state:

“As above - so below, as within - so without, as with the universe - so with the soul”.

In 2021 I decided to dig deeper and learning about the body’s deeper functions and how our bodies react. I enrolled into Dr. Morse classes and graduated as a Detoxification Specialist and Lymphatic Iridologist and was now educated to taking on clients.

But I wanted to learn more, and to this day I still search for more knowledge on the Holistic and spiritual ways and how it is all connected. I spend hours every week becoming a better Naturopath, Coach, Healer and Man.

I transformed my self massively. I lost 40 kgs. All my medical issues are gone - all of them. Most of them disappeared quite rapidly. I feel energized and very light. I stopped with all medicine at once in 2020.

My teeth feel strong again and not brittle and fragile like before. I used to have my teeth cleaned from tartar 3 times a year - now I have not produced any tartar since I cleaned up my diet. I have not seen a dentist since the start of the journey and not visited a doctor for more than 7 years. I feel strong and my bone structure, that used to feel stiff, now feels agile and alive again. I feel like a young man.

All my issues, except one, removed solely by changing my diet. I am still working on my allergies and giving my body the best possible conditions to heal this disfunction I have, where I react to a number of things and my sinuses close up. I strongly suspect that more than 20 years usage of anti-histamine has damaged something deeply that takes time to regenerate.

Other benefits of living in a clean body is, that the need for sleep is less than before. I am more active and more in touch with my feelings and simply have become a kinder and better Man. If you ask my wife, she will tell you that she got a much better husband from these changes.

All Therapies I teach and recommend, I have practiced or practice my self and have felt the consequences and benefits. I have done several longer juice feasts of up til 30 days. I have done many shorter water fasts with duration of 3-5 days. I fast one day every week. I have done 4 extended 21 day water fasts with amazing results and also practice urine therapy from time to time.

I eat and live what I teach and I only use what Mother Earth provides for us as remedies to make the changes.


No fixed pricing….

I work solely on Donation based payment, except for Iridology readings. For a reading including photos and written report I charge 150€. 130€ for online reading where you send me photos digitally.

You donate what you are comfortable with and what you think is fair trade for my service. I wish to help as many as possible to experience true health, and the size of your pocket book should never be what matters.

Contact: Henrik Lerche

Please send me WhatsApp, sms or email and I will get in touch with you swiftly.


WhatsApp: +45 6016 4517