Much to learn and explore in this life - matters of huge impact to your well-being - if you dare take the leap and change old habits.

start your health journey here

Hi, I’m Henrik lerche

I am a holistic Naturopath, Detox Specialist and Lymphatic Iridologist.

I offer a broad variety of therapies to help you achieve your full potential and become the optimal version of yourself and perfect alignment between body and mind.

We always begin with a 1:1 session where we speak about your goals, expectations and current health issues.

  • Is your goal to loose weight and obtain more knowledge on how and what to eat to loose weight. And are you tired of gaining even more than you loose after dieting?

  • Do you have health issues and look for a second opinion, or explore alternative possibilities to resolve your problems?

  • Do you struggle with lack of energy, frequent trips to the doctor’s office and wonder if there are alternatives to expensive pharmaceuticals?

  • Are you curious about detoxification and in-body cleanse, and wish to experience how detoxification of toxins, mucus, fungus, parasites and accumulated waste will turn your life and wellbeing around?

No matter why you are here, being here is a step in the right direction. Know this; it is never too late taking the first steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Take responsibility for your health, and not just relay on a healthcare system. Seek knowledge about your problems and the causes, and not a passive bystander to your own life. There is always a way - but you need start doing the work and stop relaying on others solving the problems. There are non such things as easy fixes - only dedicated work, truth and knowledge.

Start eating the foods your body is designed for, and stop eating “foods” that offer absolutely nothing except problems. “Foods that poison you and cause suffering on your internal functions and systems. Get rid of decades of rutting acidic waste, fats, fungus, parasites and mucus and see how it will have a big impact swiftly and a massive impact on your overall wellbeing.

A journey together with me can be a swift weight loss diet or it can turn your life around - like this journey did for me. Either way, your health will benefit from walking along this new path, with me as your teacher, friend and guide. I have been to both Wellville and Hellville and know which path to choose.

Motivation is a key word throughout this process. You need to be prepared for changes in your life style and diet. I will do my very best to prepare you for what’s coming and keep you informed as we move along - and if you stay motivated and do as we agree, you will feel and see amazing results in both body and mind. All is connected. All is holistic.

This journey does not require hard exercise. I am not selling you magic pills or quick fixes. These do not exist in real life - only on TV and in commercials. We work primarily with your diet and implementing new ways of eating, drinking, thinking, resting, exercising and breathing.

We will make changes and you will see how you can eat a healthy diet and never have to go hungry. And if you put some effort into the preparation of your food, you will see that it is not that hard to change. We will replace the dead rutting foods with living, vibrant, electric, hydrating and energizing foods that fills your body with life and light. Out with the old “foods” that poison you and make you sick - and in with the new that fills you with life, energy, hydration and re-generating your body.

My Approach TO CHANGES:

It begins with an idea to change or an interest to learn more. That little sensation you can’t quite explain that arose inside your head.

Could there be more to the concept of health than what we are made to believe, and is there more to life than what we think?

I can assure you there is - so much more.

A wise man once said something like this “the only thing we know for sure is - that we know nothing at all”.

If we begin here - then we are off to a good start. We need to de-program our selves and start re-learning.

As we move along, you will see and feel what our bodies and minds are capable off, if we detach ourselves from what society tells us and begin to consume the foods we are designed for. Did you know, that we are the only species on Earth eating outside our intended food source, except the animals we have domesticated and feed?.

Our bodies are the most miraculous creations, with amazing self healing powers, when kept clean and in an alkaline state, getting the right amount of rest, light and fuel. We are truly magnificent - and so are you.

I only work with what Mother Nature has to offer which also includes a spiritual approach to achieve the full holistic spectrum. We are all one - and all is connected.

I do not sell or use remedies or supplements, but are a firm believer that all is provided for us by Nature. I have seen what we are capable of when our body and mind are fed the right fuel and the body is relieved of decades of waste material, toxins, mucus, fungus, parasites, worms etc. You wouldn’t believe what lives inside the body helping you to stay alive, feeding on all the toxic waste stored inside.

I focus my treatment on what to consume and when. How to exercise, rest and breathe. How we think and how our mind works. It is the full holistic experience that will, not only make you healthy, but also turn you into a better, whole, kinder and more enlightened woman or man.

I work with many aspects of the holistic and spiritual segment. Besides the above mentioned, I also provide coaching and teachings on juice cleanses, juice feasting, water fasting, iridology and urine therapy. The holistic way of health offers many varieties, but in the end it all comes down to you and what you decide. Who you believe and who to trust.

Important information: I am not a licensed medical professional and my advice should always be presented to your medical professional. My advice should never stand alone. I would never advise you to terminate any ongoing medical treatment. This is a matter between you and your medical doctor and in the end your decision alone. What I recommend are only raw fruits and vegetables and other natural remedies that cannot present any harm or danger to your body. When working with me on water fasting and other therapies I only recommend this is done under full supervision by a knowledgeable person to prevent any harm due to toxic release and strong detoxification that can be harmful and dangerous if not supervised.