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Detoxification and Deep Cleansing.

I am certified Detoxification Specialist trained by Dr. Morse in USA. Dr. Morse is a Naturopath with more than 50 years experience and tens of thousands of clients healed in this period. Dr. Morse still practice and educates from his clinic in Florida.

A detoxification process is necessary on the journey towards a cleaner lifestyle. A thorough in dept cleaning of organs, cells, tissues and fluids to rid of accumulated toxic waste material stuck in the body for decades as well as internal fungus, mucus, fats and living parasites.

We dig deep using juices and fruits, which is the most efficient way to hydrate your cells and tissues removing accumulated unwanted toxic waste material and stored chemicals. The waste material causes blockages and lack of flow and function in the internal systems, which in the end lead to disease.

We want to bring life and light back into your body on the way to Well-ville and turn the negative spiral into an upward going motion. Fill your body with energy, hydration and high electrical vibrations. Fruits and vegetables are electrically charged while dead and processed foods are - dead and filled with chemistry. Life comes from eating living foods - death comes from eating dead foods. Makes total sense - does it not?

The inner linings of your bowels are among the most difficult places to remove stored waste, as mucoid plague glues to the bowel walls as a consequence of consumption of animal products, bread and processed foods for decades. To remove and clean this is a long process that often requires time and more severe therapies.

It is imperative that we get your Lymphatic system flowing again. The Lymphatic system, is a fluid based system which removes toxic waste from inside your body. The Lymphatic system functions like a septic tank connected to your internal sewage.

Your cells, from which you have more than 100 trillion, require nourishment to function and they leave an acidic ash waste when working. Like all other living, cells leave waste material after consuming and using the fuel. When waste and toxicity accumulates and are not removed, the Lymphatic system suffers, clogs up and stop flowing and we are on a path towards severe problems.

By going in deep and removing toxic waste matter we get the Lymphatic system flowing again and it starts to remove unwanted waste matter like intended.


I am also a certified Lymphatic Iridologist trained by Dr. Morse.

An iridology reading is an amazing diagnostic tool, where we can see the status of functions on a cellular level inside your body. We are able to see the status of your endocrine glands, tissues and organs. We see the Lymphatic waste accumulation and how severe this issues is.

For Iridology readings I operate on a fixed fee of 150€. This includes pictures of the irisés, reading, a full written report and a follow up consultation. I visit you and photograph your eyes. Only available 30 km from my residence.

We can do a reading online, where you provide the pictures and email to me, and our follow up session is online. Price for online reading is 130€.

Holistic Coaching, a tree with many branches.

Holistic Coaching is a broad and spacious road which includes many paths. My approach to most issues is always Mother Natures way and the knowledge that “all is connected - inside and out” - the Holistic way of thinking. Never focus merely on a symptom - but listen to the symptom and learn from it, and focus on healing the body as a whole. This is the only and true way to gain optimal health. Only the body can heal the body.

During our first session we will start to explore which paths to focus on. It all depends on the status of your health, how motivated and capable for changes you are. We will also determine how fast to move forward. But in general, we will always start with a detoxification process. Before we start focusing on healing and re-gerenation, we need to clean out the house. You would never put new fish in a dirty and disgusting fish tank, would you?.

Other relevant issues we focus on could be:

  • General Dietary help and Meal guidance. What to eat and what to avoid. How much to eat and how often.

  • How to move towards a Raw Plant Based diet. Which foods to remove. Where to obtain recipes and ideas.

  • General Weight Loss and Well-being.

  • Windows of eating and Intermittent fasting including a weekly fast.

  • Exercise, rest, breathing and the Sun.

  • Spiritual guidance, a massive subject which enlightens you and offers guidance on how to reach your full potential, and how clean fluids, tissues and glands are imperative in achieving this higher state.

  • Alter the state of your mind and battle your ego. Deprogram your self from your beliefs. You are a Pinnacle of Gods Creation. Strive to be even better and more helpfull to all living creations.

  • Become the very best version of your self and be calm, kind and a loving Man or Woman. Learn how to love and know thy self.

  • Ancient Therapy of Water fasting for shorter or longer periods. Never do a longer fast unsupervised especially if you have not been through a detoxification and living a plant based life style. When fasting for longer periods you release so many toxins that can be dangerous and even life threatening. With this said, amazing results with extended water fasts (21-60 days) are known and documented and used to be normal practice used by doctors before modern medicine took over 150 years ago. The body will repair, remake and heal once your digestive system stops processing foods and energy being focussed on repairing and remaking.

  • Another ancient form of Therapy, which has been suppressed for a long time, is Urine Therapy, also known as Shivambhu or Orin Therapy. This is still being practiced daily by more than 30 mio people all over the world. Results and treatments are well documented. Our urine is not a disgusting waste product, like we are told, but in fact a sterile anti-septic, anti-flamatory golden plasma containing more than 3000 identified components, including stem cells, filtered through the most advanced filter ever created - your kidneys. Your orin has a function as a self diagnostic tool when entered back in your body. Your body recognize the problems and issues you are facing. Truly amazing. Urea from urine is also used in several pharmaceutical products as well in the beauty industry.

“let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”

Hippocrates, ancient Greek physician