Truths about our foods & physiology #1

Welcome to my first blog post. This Blog section will be committed to telling the truths about several topics and going deep into each subject.

This post will talk about what we consume and our physiology.

From the day we are born we are misled by organized society about what we are, which foods and beverages make us thrive. Don’t misunderstand me, I am all about free will and personal choice. I prefer the choices to be based on truths about health and not on profit.

We are made to believe the products we purchase in the Supermarkets are natural and healthy foods, when in fact they are the exact opposite. You naturally think, that we have no reason to disbelief this, as the authorities concur to this notion. Our politicians regulates, make laws and rules and would certainly ban these foods and beverages, if they truly cause most diseases and death. You would think that would be the case, right?

Let’s take a few steps back and look into what we truly are. Why we are not designed to eat meat, cheese and cooked foods, but to eat living vibrant electric foods. Here are some facts:

  • Our teeth can not penetrate skin. We have no fangs. Our molars are made for grinding and not tearing flesh like the molars on a carnivore. Mans jaws can operate from side to side to grind foods, like a horse and a cow. The jaws on a carnivore only moves up and down and not side to side.

  • Carnivores are mainly interested in the blood and blood-filled organs. This is why they penetrate the jugular to kill, where some 60% of the blood runs to the brain through the largest vein. Humans could never penetrate animal skin and kill this way.

  • No human would ever eat a raw uncooked animal, like a true carnivore do - it simply does not appeal to us at all. No unspoiled infant would ever prefer a piece of meat over a piece of ripe banana or some grapes, and much less if the meat was raw.

  • Humans perspire through glands on our skin - unlike any predator which perspire through the mouth. Prey would smell a human miles away and we would never get close enough to kill it one on one.

  • By heart humans love animals and find them close to our hearts and wish to cuddle and make friends with them. Why? Do you recon a tiger feel the same for a gazelle?

  • Our vision is in full color spectrum - unlike other mammals except frugivores. We see in color to be able to find the ripe fruits on the vine.

  • Our digestive system is very long (10 meters) and our intestines twist and turn. We digest foods slow to absorb nutrients because plant matter is hard to break down and high on fiber. Other species with lengthy digestion systems are herbivores, which often have several stomachs to break down plant materials, like grass, that are high in cellulose and hard to digest.

  • Carnivores have a short digestion systems (app. 1/3 of a human) with no twists and turns and smooth bowels and they excrete waste much faster than humans. They are not able to break down plant matter high on fiber. Their stomach fluid is more acidic than humans to be able to break down bones, fats etc.

  • Most species produce vitamin C in their body except frugivores. Frugivores (humans) get this important vitamin through our food - mainly fruits.

  • Eating meat and other animal products cause acidity inside your body - as your body is predominantly alkaline (only your stomach fluid is acidic). Fruits and vegetables are alkaline. Some fruits are mildly acidic like Oranges and Lemons, but when processed by the digestive system they leave an alkaline ash. Meat, dairy and eggs etc leave an acidic ash when digested, which clearly indicate this is not our intended foods.

  • Your body runs solely on carbohydrates in form of glucose and fructose - natural sugars. When eating fruits the fructose enters directly into your cells as fuel without needing an insulin carrier to open the cell walls for absorption. Why would it be like that? And why we are told to limit our intake of fruits, when this clearly is our proven diet?

  • Your digestion system cannot utilize much energy from animal products and have to work very hard to try and break it down and try to extract energy. Energy spent on digestion is energy not spent on maintaining and re-building damaged tissue and new cells. Ever wonder why you often feel tired after eating a big meal of western food? Could this be the answer? You never feel this way after eating a raw plant based meal.

  • Every time you eat animal products and processed foods, you store waste materials in your body and starting to cause acidity and inflammation that leads to problems with tissue, organs, glands and general functions - also known as disease.

  • To handle acidic and sluggish waste, your body has to invite different types of cleaners in. Normally the immune system would get rid of these, but they are needed for the body to remain alive. We are talking about all types of worms, parasites and types of fungus. All these non natural inhabitants are feeding off the waste materials in order to keep your body alive. The down side is, that they also leave acidic waste and compromise the natural functions of the body.

  • And not to forget - the protein myth. Lets first establish that all proteins originally comes from plants. Protein is natures building material and since you are already built, you do not need much protein at all. All plants, like us, are made up of cells (and fluids) which contains of protein and fats (lipids). The protein myth is a lie - the protein you need to re-generate cells, you will get from eating plants. You have definitely no need for proteins from meat or other animal products. On the contrary in fact. What happens is, that these “foods” poison you and will lead to diseases. You need to eat living foods and not dead foods.

  • No animals on earth - which is some 25 mio species, cook their foods. And no other species eats outside what theirs bodies were designed for - except humans and the animals humans feed.

  • No animals in nature, living on pure natural foods, get cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimers, heart disease or any others disease. Diseases are caused by the poison you eat and drink and because you live in fear and when you use your mind for negativity.

To sum it all up. There is much more proof than written above, as to why we are frugivores and not carnivores. But still our standard Western diet has animal products as the center of most meals surrounded by other cooked and processed foods.

It is important knowledge, that when you heat fruits and vegetables above 42 degrees celsius, you destroy compounds in the food that alter the chemical structure. Digestion enzymes, minerals, vitamins etc are chemically changed and no longer as nature intended them to be.

Like other species we thrive best eating raw foods because this is what we are designed for.

Our body use sugar (glucose and fructose - not processed and cooked industrial sugar) as fuel and run on electric current. To obtain optimal health our foods need to be living, electric and vibrant - matured in the sun that fills us with life, light and energy.

But like society always does, it turns everthing upside down, and we now believe that our natural foods are dead rutting flesh and dairy products made from cows milk. Think about it for a minute. There is nothing in cows milk that is good for you - on the contrary. It is highly mucus forming and cause big problems. Cows milk is made for calfs and contains what a calf needs to grow into a healthy cow rapidly - and not made for grown cows or humans. A calf puts on enormous amount of weight in a short period of time drinking only mothers milk. We process it and reduce it some 60 times to get very concentrated milk - also known as cheese. And we wonder why we get sick and put on a lot of weight!. It makes total sense from my perspective.

Cheese is like a drug to your brain. It has the same properties as heroin and stimulate the same receptors in the brain, that make you feel good, crave and asking for more.

Humans can live on this Western diet for some 40-50 years before your body starts getting really compromised and showing problems. Things like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes 2, arthritis etc, and later on more severe and life threatening stuff. This underlines how magical this electrical machine, solely made up of cells and fluids really are. We poison the tissues and cells and fill it with mucus, parasites, fungus and clog up the flow, glands and organs for 40-50 years, before it starts caving in and truly suffer.

Imagine how long we could live painless in excellent health if we only ate the intended foods from we were born….. If all our foods were naturally grown, and not commercially grown in soils depleted of important minerals and vitamins and sprayed with pesticides. Foods that were picked when ripe and not weeks in advance and stored in air free warehouses, sprayed with poisons and color to make them last and look inviting in Supermarkets. We could live so much longer - far beyond hundred years.

People back in time actually used to live much longer. We are made to believe that a life expectancy of 75-80 years is a good long life popping pills the last 25 years of your life. We are made to believe that our society and medical care are so advanced and back in the days, people died in their 30´s. This is simply untrue. We feed our body poison and garbage and live super stressed lives with 2 jobs and big mortgages to obtain the big dream, programmed with fear by the media and governments, and we still average 75 years. Think about it for a minute…..

Thanks for reading this - and more truths are going to be posted about who we truly are.




What the health #2