What the health #2

My post yesterday may have caused some disbelief in my words.

It is difficult to tell the truth about something which people instantaneously think is wrong. They turn to denial, anger and worse, because we are being told the opposite by organized society, which then has to be the truth. Why should they lie - what do they have to gain by this?

Let me sum it up in a few words - or rather let the late comedian George Carlin do: “ its all a big club - and you isn’t in it”.

If you are not familiar with George Carlin, I highly recommend you find some of his work online. He is a funny man - telling the truths about many subjects.

In these posts I will show you what organized society is really about. Not only the food and medical industries, but also other industries and organizations with only profit and power in mind, no matter the consequences for the consumers and users.

Since yesterday I have been wondering how to build up my case to start getting the truths out there. I came to think of the filmmaker Kip Andersen, who makes truthful movies about controversial topics with famous actor Joaquin Phoenix. Kip made 3 films and the 4th soon to be released: In 2014 - Cowspiracy, 2017 - What the Health and in 2021 - Seaspiracy. The latest one will hit cinemas Easter 2024 - and tells the truths about organized religions and is named Christspiracy.

What The Health is a relevant movie for my messages. The film tells the truths about what is really happening in the medical and food industries and also related organizations like the cancer and diabetes organizations. Organizations you think you can trust to have consumers and patients wellbeing at heart, but the contrary as they are funded by the industries and have profit making for their sponsors at heart. Sad but true and I encourage you to watch it.

Enjoy the movie(s) - and start educating your self to the truths about what organized society is truly about.

What the Health is available on Netflix.


How it´s all connected #3


Truths about our foods & physiology #1