How it´s all connected #3

In this blogpost I want to scratch the surface on how everything is connected. As above so below, as within so without as with the Universe so with the Soul.

How our physiology plays a unique and center role in it all. How our physiology is connected to all.

This post will concentrate about the Endocrine System and the 3 Master Glands located deep inside your brain. The 3 glands named Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus.

The Pineal Gland, often known as the third eye in a spiritual context that plays a huge role in your sacred journey to rise spiritually together with the Cerebral Spinal Fluid and also in our normal physical context. Also the Pineal Gland is the 6th Chakra energy point. The Pineal Gland secrets Melatonin and is tied to agelessness and rest. Other functions of the Pineal Gland is a subject for another post.

The Pituitary Gland is the Master Computer in your body, regulating the other Glands and keeping everything balanced and in working order. The Pituitary Gland secrets several hormones, among them Serotonin which is a happiness hormone. The Pittuitary Gland constantly monitors and regulates the functions of the body.

Finally the Hypothalamus secrets Dopamine - that makes you feel good and contended and not as such recognized as part of the Endocrine System, but its functions are imperative. Not for the medical world, but for the Spiritual world and the connection with the other glands in the brain and others.

These 3 glands are the Christic Gifts we receive from being born - in form of these 3 wise men from the Tribe of Magi in the East. These Glands are referred in the Bible as the 3 wise men from the East that came upon the borning of Jesus Christ.

How and what the Bible represent is a matter for a later post. But let me just say that - the New Testament is not a literal story about a man called Jesus of Nazareth living in Israel 2000 years ago, but all are parables and codings about our physiology and teachings on how to be a good man or wom(b)man. It tells your story and shows you what you are capable off and intended to be.

Your Endocrine System is the system secreting hormones, steroids and neurotransmitters into the blood, monitoring, regulating and balances out how the functions of the body runs and performs. Basically the Endocrine System operates all the functions of your cells, which there are more than 100 trillion off in your body. We are only cells and fluids.

Between the Glands they produce many different hormones and this post is not intended to be a deeper teaching about inner physiology, but merely connect the dots and offer a perspective on the bigger picture. But to connect the dots we need to scratch the surface - so bear with me and please continue reading.

Besides the 3 Master Glands mentioned above, the Endocrine System also includes the following: Thyroid/parathyroid Glands, Thymus, Adrenal Glands, Pancreas and Ovaries or Testicles.

Lets make a brief run down of the functions:

Thyroid and Parathyroid: These Glands located in the front of the neck. They run the metabolism and the cells ability to absorb and use glucose. Calcium absorption, protein metabolism for growth, the use of fats, rate and strength of the heart beat etc.

When eating a lot of cooked foods, dairy products and refined sugars(highly mucus forming) you develop congestion throughout the sinus cavaties, head area, throat and lungs. The functions of the Thyroid and Parathyroid are compromised and are either hypo or hyper (under or over active).

Pancreas is both an Endocrine and Exocrine Gland, which means that is produce hormones (insulin) that are secreted directly into the blood, as well as other substances, such as enzymes etc, that are secreted by ducts assisting in absorption and breaking down foods.

The Endocrine functions of the pancreas are several. Best known is the production of Beta and Delta cells that secrete the hormone insulin (among other secretions). Insulin is secreted to reduce blood glukose levels and acts as a transporter of glucose through the cells membranes. This means that insulin is needed to feed the cells. When you consumes fruits no insulin is required as fructose enters the cells without any insulin carrier.

The Thymus Gland is the master gland of the Immune System. It is essential to the maturation of T-cells, which are your white blood cells - also known as Natural Killer cells. These cells, along with the bone marrow cells, are the Marine and Navy Seals of your body´s police force. Your body also produce anti-bodies to fight off trouble, but the T-cells keeps the body clean from molds, yeasts, fungus, bacteria and like. So a poor functioning Thymus Gland means a poor working Immune System and more likely to get severely ill.

The Adrenal Glands are hugely important. They are located on top of each Kidney. They have several functions, but most important ones are producing neurotransmitters which are essential for brain and nerve functions. They turn nerve responses on and off, which affects almost all tissues in the body including the heart, vascular system, intestines, skin and kidneys.

Many conditions are related to poor functioning Adrenal Glands, such as asthma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson´s, cerebral palsy, panic attacks and impatience among others.

Another important job of the Adrenal Glands are to fight off inflammatory issues. Several secretions (such as cortisol) include anti-inflammatory agents that are combatting inflammatory processes and breaking down acids and proteins. This may sound a bit over your head, but basically the more inflamed you are due to the wrong diet, the more cortisol is produced to fight off the inflammation. That is a good thing, but the bad thing is, that this overproduction of cortisol also have a tendency to cause more inflammation and tissue damage. Note large intakes of coffee, tea and soda also increase the cortisol production.

Another important matter for many people is dealing with high cholesterol. Cholesterol is an anti-inflammatory agent. The Adrenal Glands use cholesterol in the production of cortisol. So all happens for a reason.

If you are building up cholesterol, your liver is over producing it - not because you have a defect in your liver, but for a good reason. Building up cholesterol tells you that your body is fighting too much inflammation and trying to fight the acidic fires raging inside you.

The doctor’s answer to this problem is to inhibit the livers production of cholesterol to minimize the cholesterol build up. To remove the symptom. But the cholesterol is being produced for a reason as described above. So what happens to the acidosis and inflammation when removing one of the bodies defence mechanisms?

Your body have 3 main sources to fight off inflammation caused by mucus and acidosis (which occur due to poor choice of food and beverages): Lipds (fats) which is cholesterol. Water and finally calcium. Water is as a medium needed by the body to function and maintain the functions, and diverting water from the normal functions to fight fires is bad. You need water to run all the systems. You often see bloating and swelling when the body is fighting off fires going on inside. The 3rd solution is to use calcium from teeth and bone tissues to put out the fire. We often see teeth problems in most adults and older people - and also see elderly people get weakened in the bone structures and break bones easily? Often we see a hip break being the last thing happening before life ends….. why? Could it be a result of lack of calcium due to acidosis and lack of functioning utilization of new calcium?

Ovaries and testicles are off course essential in the full re-producing system and all the functions associated with this. Also controlling hair growth, muscle development and other functions. But they are also an important connection to your CSF - cerebral spinal fluids system. A matter for possible later post is a very controversial topic for many - namely keeping the semen fluids inside you and not spill them and why that is.

Conclusion: We are the Pinnacle of Gods Creation and we are given an amazing suit to live this life in. Sadly we are not taking very good care of it. This is not always your fault, as we are told lies from the day we are born. We have limited clue about what to eat and how we function and what we are capable off. We trust authorities to tell us what to eat, what to drink, how to breathe, what to watch and how to think.

Your body is a thousand times smarter than any doctor, scientist or computer, so why is it, we hand over our sovereignty instead of listening to the body and the signals it constantly sends us? Why is it, that we take no responsibility over our own health, but just trusting a system that generates obscene amounts of money by people being sick?

Aging process including chronic pains and eating multiple pharmaceuticals every day is not the only way.

You have alternatives - most of them even cost a fraction of what you spend on medicine. Could that be the reason why we are not told the truth? You cannot patent an orange or a banana. You cannot earn hundreds of billions on healthy people and awakened. But you can earn billions by keeping us focussed on buying more stuff, wanting a bigger house, a better career and the newest car and electronics. Working 2 jobs and getting successfull. Did you ever think about the word success? Suc is suck. Cess is shit. Suck shit. Strange combination….or perhaps not!

Always follow the money and see who benefits. That has always been good advice when seeking the truth.

Thanks for reading - more truths are going to be posted so please stay tuned.




Where is the magic pill for optimal health & wellbeing? #4


What the health #2