Where is the magic pill for optimal health & wellbeing? #4

Before entering into the subject of today’s blog, allow me to quote some wise words from Ancient Greece - some 3000 years ago. Hippocrates was one of the leading physician and most outstanding figures of ancient medicine. We all know the quote “let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” Apart from that amazing quote, here are 2 others that encapsulate what we are facing in modern society:

“Illness do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily actions against Nature. When enough actions have accumulated, illness will suddenly appear”.

And the second one:

“Before you heal someone, ask him if he is willing to give up the things that make him sick”

Modern society and modern medicine have turned us into believers of the systems put in front of us. All matters regarding health and illness we leave for the professionals and never question it. Why should we - they only have our interest at heart. Same approach with the foods we consume and the beverages we drink.

They make us seek out there for entertainment and knowledge through the media outlets, science and our politicians. We are raised to believe that society will provide what we need, and we just have to turn over our sovereignty and behave within the rules and “laws” made by society.

We are told that back in Ancient Greece and other “earlier undeveloped times”, people died of old age at 30 and often died of dreadful illnesses. That is simply untrue. In our modern society people are getting weaker and becoming more and more inactive and overweight, all while we are told that we at this stage are the pinnacle of creation - sitting alone in our living room spending more and more time telling others about our perfect life via social media, stuffing our face with garbage. And we believe these lies…. Do you see the irony?

Back in the 1970´s a tribe of people were discovered in Africa. They never been in contact with the outer world and lived off nature as intended. They originated from Portugal. Their average life expectancy was 160 years of age.

So called truth seekers, who are aware of the role organized society plays in our lives, believe that when we get ill, we simply climb into a med bed and get healed from sickness this way.

These machines operate as a magnetic field - some call them Tesla Med Beds, and are ment to destroy parasites and cure illness. Fiction or not is not for me to say. I have never seen one, so I have no idea. And that is beside the point here. I am bringing them up to show you that identical symptoms occur, even if you look behind organized society and the medical industry.

We are made to believe that our illnesses can be cured by pharmaceutical products. Simply visit the doctor who looks into your symptom, and then straight to the pharmacy for the magic pill, and back to the cooked foods, Doritos and our pop or beers, with no explanation on how to improve your health. Strange isn’t it?

Sorry if I break your illusion and beliefs - but there are NO QUICK FIXES. They do not exist. Pharmaceuticals do not cure anything - they merely suppress the symptom but the real cause of the symptoms most certainly are still at work inside your body continuing the destruction.

So are we merely doomed for destruction and death due to all the illnesses? most certainly not.

But we need to understand, there are no magic fixes. Not from the doctor or some magic potion or remedy you have seen on the internet - this amazing new discovery that cured thousands.

Are you prepared to change your ways to obtain true health. That is the question you need to ask your self.

Only you can instigate real changes to your ways and habits. Healers like me only guide and assist you to find the right path, but the hard grinding work every day is done by you - and no one else. Only you can take responsibility for your own life and health back.

Things are not black and white - it is ok to slip up and make mistakes. Totally fine - as long as you get up and on back on track. “when you know better - you have to do better”.

I do not hold all truth about health - far from, but I have come a long way in understanding how a human body thrives and why it is not.

To end this blog post are a few short reminders:

  • real food do not come in a package

  • real food do not have a list of ingredients

  • real foods are filled with life, electricity, vibration and light

  • real foods are matured on the vine of the plant

  • rutting dead tissue of animals are filled with parasites, worms and bacteria that feed off dead matter

  • flesh are neither mans kinds true food and only harmfull to you in the long run

  • processed foods from a package is dead food.



Thanks for reading - until next time.




Rising your chrism oil within #5


How it´s all connected #3