Rising your chrism oil within #5

Came across this beautiful and true description on how and why to raise our Christic Oil - our Chrism oil within our spine, and how this is beautiful connected to spirituality, the Bible and our physiology. I found this piece on Telegram am borrowed it word for word from the channel The Divine 52 Intervention.

I apologize if this can appear a hard piece to read, and you probably need to have a certain level of awareness on your spiritual journey to see the full picture, but give it a read and see if you understand it. Only takes 10 minutes of your life and might give you some aha moments.

We are not merely 9-5 people, going to work, eating garbage, watching TV, living through social media and letting us being controlled by rules and norms of society - to enslave us and keep us dumbed down.

We are divine beings and much more - but we have moved far away from the path and meaning of life, so we have a hard time finding back to the straight and narrow path again, which all the ancient scriptures tell us about. How and why we should always seek truth, love and be kind.

Begin your journey back with taking care of your health and diet. You need to have your own affairs in order to be able to shine for others. By eating living foods you will discover that your mindset will alter and you become kinder and better. Meat, dairy, processed foods and eggs are death foods and they dumb you down and make you sick. They keep you in your lowest vibration and your Root Chakra. Keep you in hate, anger and fear mode. Place you in a stronghold of society where debt and the constant focus of money keep you enslaved to the system. Keep you locked in the notion that what others think of you matters.

By eating living foods your mindset gets lighter. You get lighter and will start to focus on other things than what society dictates. Align the focus on your own journey - and do the right things. Only seeking truth and start to observe all the lies society feed us. You start doing your own work and somehow you are guided to the right places you need to be at this precise time. The journey takes time and lots of practise - but remember that the journey is the most important part. Only a few becomes true Masters - like in Star Wars.

Any ways - here are the magic words from Divine 52 Intervention. Remember that Jesus and God in spirituality has no connection to organized religion. Organized religion was taken over by organized Society before Christ was born and they do not have your best at heart. Money and Power are the primary targets. The work of Jesus and the Bible has nothing to do with religion. So please do not mix religion and spirituality together. Enjoy:

"The greater a man has become, the fiercer ordeal he has had to pass through."

~ Swami Vivekananda

Don't pray for any easy life.

Pray for the strength and energy to overcome any obstacles that life throws at you. It is such a great feeling when you can draw upon the knowledge & wisdom from overcoming previous challenges. You begin to feel strong and calm under any circumstances, as you have surrendered to what is, in any given situation.

You know that God is in all things, including the challenges we face. All these challenges are happening for your benefit and not to you. Allowing us all to move one step closer to self realisation.

Every challenge is an opportunity to see life from a different perspective and a higher level of awareness. We get the opportunity to transcend darkness into light, ignorance into bliss. So many people fear making a mistake so they begin to live a life of sitting on the fence.

At the end of their lives they think they have done a good job, as they haven't made many mistakes. The problem is they haven't done anything either, due to fear. This has pushed them further away from self realisation and as the Steely Dan song goes:

You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin' 'round and 'round

You go back, Jack, do it again.

Back around the samsara wheel to learn the same karmic lessons.

In this life we are all here to know thyself fully and to move closer towards self realisation. To know thyself we must connect with our soul. This can only be done through meditation and breath control. Upon doing this we will face our shadow self.

The darkness within/our ego self. This is inevitable.

This can become very scary for some and hence causes them to step away from the path of the straight & narrow. The only way to remove darkness is to shine the light on it. To remove the darkness in a room you turn the light switch on. Only the truth (light) can set you free. Don't be afraid of darkness. Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the journey. Don't be afraid or attached to what mistakes you have made or darkness you have from the past.

We have all been conditioned and programmed from an early age contributing to this darkness within. Surrender to it, don't judge it and live the rest of your life shining the light on it. Transcend these energies within. Turn darkness into light.

When the ego is burned through meditation, constant unity with the soul is perceived and we become established in knowledge. "Ego is the greatest obstacle to spiritual evolution." Ego tricks us to believe I am the doer and without me nothing will be done. In reality the soul is the doer of everything by the breath (which is the power of God)

Remember the sun relates to our intellect, pingala channel & pineal gland, the moon relates to our mind, ida channel & pituitary gland and the black sun relates to our ego (darkness), sushumna channel and optic thalamus. (3rd eye)

The stars relate to our "inner sky" above the 8 fold of nature (mind, intellect, ego, earth, water, fire, air & ether) in the 6th and 7th chakras.

The ego/darkness/3rd eye can only be erased by becoming the light of the world.

In the Bible ~ Matthew 6:22-23 "The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness."

Raising The Chrism Oil

To become the light of the world we must first have oil in our lamp which refers to raising the chrism oil from the sacral plexus. In the brain there is the cerebrum. In the cerebrum is located the claustrum or the sacred claustrum/Santa Claustrum/Santa Claus. From the claustrum there is a secretion of brain fluid called the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or Christos/Christ Secretion Oil. (Chrism Oil)

This oil is secreted from the claustrum into the 3rd ventricle of the brain and mixes with the milk from the pituitary gland and the honey from the pineal gland and moves its way down the spinal cord reaching the sacrum plexus.

(5 fused bones that represent the 5 senses)

The word secret comes from the word secretion because the secretion is a secret. The sacral plexus is connected to the sacrum. The sacrum is the sacred part of the secret.

The story of Santa Claus bringing presents is a story of physiology. Why does Santa Claus give us a gift on Dec 25th? In the northern sky on Dec 21st the constellations in the night sky appear to stop for 3 days.

On Dec 22-24 the Three Kings of Orion's Belt are pointing directly in a straight line to Sirius which is the brightest star in the northern sky. (Dog/God Star)

Sirius is then pointing directly in a straight line from the Three Kings of Orion's Belt to the Southern Cross. They are in perfect alignment for 3 days.

This is a representation of Jesus dying on the cross, and on Dec 25th the constellations begin to move again back towards the light and rebirth of the spring equinox. This is the gift that Santa Claus is giving us, the Christed/Chrism Oil.

Every month from the age of 12, when the moon is in your sun sign when you were born, a germ or seed is planted in the solar plexus which is just above the sacral plexus. That germ seed is the oil or the Christ oil. This is the Christ born in Bethlehem. (Baby Jesus)

The solar plexus is otherwise known as Bethlehem where the seed or Christ is born. That seed/oil must return to the midbrain. The oil is differentiated in the pineal and pituitary glands before it is sent down the spine.

The pineal gland is the electric portion of the oil (Joseph/Honey) whereas the pituitary gland is the magnetic portion. (Mary/Milk) It is brought down the spine by the pingala (kundabuffer) and ida (kundalini)nerves/channels. It arrives at the sacral plexus and awaits for the germination of the seed once per month.

There is a little hollow depression in the sacrum called the Manger, where the Milk & Honey of Joseph & Mary fertilise the seed from the solar plexus, to birth the Baby Jesus - Christos. (Christ Oil)

If we are able to transmute that seed and cause it to rise, as it rises in the spinal cord it eventually reaches the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain. It crosses the vagus nerve. (pneumogastric nerve) - a nerve that descends from the pineal and pituitary glands respectively and it feeds the lungs and the stomach. This network is referred to as the tree of life.

One must abstain from sex (semen retention) for this oil to ascend.

At the bottom, the oil has a very low vibration, whereas through breath control/meditation and an alkaline body/mind one is able to raise this oil slowly so that it can cross the vagus nerve at the top of the spinal column. Eating from the tree of life (sex, alcohol, acidic foods etc) destroys the Christ oil.

The Christ is crucified at the 33rd vertebrae - Atlas. The optic thalamus awaits this christed oil. Once the crucifixion occurs by crossing the vagus nerve at the top, the oil is magnified 1,000 fold.

The oil then laid to rest in the hypothalamus for 2.5 days before it ascends and illuminates the Pineal Gland, sending a beam of light via the Strias Pinealis opening up the Fornix and illuminating the optic thalamus, so we become the light of the world.

After this process the millions of dormant cells become awakened along with the junk DNA. The oil that descends from above is also known as the "mana" from heaven. Heaven means heaved up. The heavens is the top of the head. (skull/crown)

The cerebrum is hollowed out and the midbrain and the limbic system are the holy of holies. The cerebellum which sits at the back of the brain is the small brain and associated with Taurus and the left brain/masculine brain.

The cerebrum is associated with the top of the head and Aires and the right brain/feminine brain. The cerebrum is the God Brain.

The Adam Man/Brain is the cerebellum.

Once the oil reaches the optic thalamus, new blood is generated, purified and becomes christed. Significant healing and rejuvenation occurs once the blood is christed and renewed.

The heavens were awaiting the return of the prodigal son, Jesus Christ.

(Christ Oil)

You must return 10% to the lord which is known as tithing. We must give up our 10% carnal left brain to receive the 90% right God brain. The Lord refers to the Gold. This is how we turn lead into Gold. Our spinal cord is like a thermometer.

We become the alchemist by raising the chrism oil through breath control and practicing the heavenly virtues. We have 4 brains. The cerebrum is the God Brain. The cerebellum is the Man Brain. The medulla oblongata which is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing, blood circulation etc. The 4th brain is in the solar plexus/animal instinctive brain where we receive images from the ether.

We must be able to raise the oil in stages, firstly above the animal brain in the solar plexus and then heave it up to the heavens to the cerebrum. The 2 flaps, hollowed in our hemispheres of the brain are known as the cherubim.

In the bible "You must build the ark of the covenant with the two cherubim above the ark." Inside the ark shall be placed the manna and law of god, the 2 tablets. The optic thalamus (3rd eye) is the ark of the covenant. The hippocampus is the little white horse that Jesus rides upon. When you offer every action to the Lord, you cannot do negative things. (This is renunciation/non attachment) - This is the secret of spiritual life.

*** Offer everything to God! (Good and bad)

The end goal of meditation after the breath doesn’t come out of the nostrils (“pranayama” rest in Prana and is offered back to the soul) is to hear the divine aum sound of the universe, see the divine light of the universe and feel the divine frequency of the universe. The divine presence of God is perceived everywhere.

Raising the chrism oil through meditation and living an alkaline lifestyle/practicing the heavenly virtues is integral to this process.


This is what a big part of life is about #6


Where is the magic pill for optimal health & wellbeing? #4