Restore your full power and fulfill your full potential #7

This post will only touch briefly on an enormous subject called Spirituality and how to improve and ascend to a better version of your self.

For some people this might be a bit long haired and far out there. If you life a normal life with the priorities of what society dictates of life, you probably already would have left my site, and labeling me as a nutcase. On the other hand, if you are still here, then you are probably interested in learning more about the potential and possibilities we possess if we truly learn and understand how to set these powers free.

This is not an easy road, but a straight and narrow journey, where most of what you have learned through life so far, must be unlearned and instead filled with the truth. There will be bumps and turns, but you will find your way - when you are ready. Be sure of that.

We have touched on the food you eat, and how the truth is turned upside down by Organized society and the Industries, and they want you to believe you are a carnivore and can live on MacDonalds and other so called “foods”. They want you to believe you are nothing and just an act of a random big bang in an infinite universe. We are led to believe that spirituality is embraced by organized religion - which could not be further from the truth. Organized religion has nothing to do with Spirituality and true interpretations of the One True Story - whether it is the Bible, the Koran or others. The religions interpret the stories wrong and in ways to continue to hold you in a strong grip, control you and making you fearfull and dependent on them - which is not as intended at all. This beautiful story is all about you and your physiology. But this high octane subject is a matter for another post.

To start your process of ascension you need to clean your body - not only on the outside, but you need to be eating life and not death. Please look at my other posts to get a deeper understanding of what I mean.

Start living the Truth and do the right things. Not for fame and personal gain - but in service to God and other fellow man and animals. God is not a man in the sky with a big beard - but the light inside all of us. The true magnetic photonic white light that is all life - and only pure love.

Once. you take the first steps and acknowledge you are living a lie in a fake Matrix, and have cut as many lines as possible to this Organized Society, then you can start your journey as an apprentice to the Spiritual life. Going through the first steps with the diet and turning your back on society is also part of your necessary accession and will move you from the Root Chakra and raise into the Heart.

You are now ready to gain more knowledge and activating the rest of your chakras. Chakras are energy points which are activated a long your Spiritual journey.

In the Bible there is a passage describing the 144.000 standing on Mount Zion with the Lamb of God and they Sing a new song. This is, like everything else in the Bible, a metaphor, and tells you, that you are able to raise your self from basic Survival, Sexuality and Power into Heart living and Speaking the Truth and onto your Head which is Heaven ( Heel is Hell by the way).

When you raise your energies through the Chakras the capacitance of each Chakra is higher - so thus is your Spirituality also higher.

The Mountain the 144.000 are standing on, symbolize your vertebrae - also known as Mount Meru - it is a mountain. On top of the mountain is the Lamb of God - Aries. Aries is the cerebrum (front part of your brain) - cerebram / the Ram of God.

So the 144.000 is singing a new song - what does this all mean?

It means that when you can ascend through your chakras - by telling only the Truth, eating only living foods and stop participating in the murder of animals, being in service to others beings, also animals and of course God, taking no thought for your own life, but live a virtuous life in service. Then you will be able to reach the final accession to the Crown Chakra above your head and your consciousness is now changed. Purple Rain as Prince sings about. You are now sining a different song - like the 144.000 on Mount Zion.

To ascend you have to leave the matrix behind - stop caring about money, cars, houses and all the flashy and unimportant things. Stop listening to the lies of the media and politicians - and escaping the material entrapments and the constant reincarnations back to misery.

Then and only then - you will have reached your full potential and have unlimited power - your full magic magnetic power.

Thanks for reading.




This is what a big part of life is about #6